Material Required for Slate Patio
- Sand
- Slate tiles
- Stamper
- Shovel
- Spade
- Level
- Measuring tape
- String
- Stakes
- Wood: 8-feet long and 2-inches thick
- Landscaper's fabric
- Saw
- Hammer
- Nails
First of all you will have to select the area where you want to install the slate stone. Clear this part from weeds, rocks, debris and other unwanted material.
Measure the area and check out how many slate tiles are required to cover the said part.
Take spade and loosen the soil. Plough at least 4 inches deep soil and tamp down the soil after this.
Use leveler to level the soil. Leveling is very important part so do it properly.
Again make the excavated area wet with water and tamp it further down and then lay landscaper's fabric above that.
To create a perimeter frame, screw the boards together to make a perimeter frame and set this frame right onto place. Make sure to level it perfectly.
Mix the inside loosen soil with sand. Put about 3 in of sand inside and then compact it with the help of hand tamper. Hand tamper has a long handle and a flat metal base that is used for tamping. You can get this on rent that is somewhere between $8 to $10 per day.
Take the lumber and nail them together and place this form on excavated area. Make sure that lumber form is placed correctly on the excavated area and it is leveled properly. This completes the groundwork.
Take rubber spacers and slate tiles and start from the corner. If you have made the border then leave the border space and start from the actual patio are.
First put some grout on the bottom and use leveler to level it. Lay the slate tile and place rubber space and then another slate tile. In this way lay all the tiles. Now do the same thing with border tiles. Keep the space between tiles even as this will enhance the overall look.
Add grout in the spaces between the tiles. Do this properly. Do not wipe any excessive grout over the tile after this but let it dry. It will take a day or so for drying.
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