Material Needed
- Curtain beads in various shapes sizes and colors
- A 1x2 board
- Thin wire
- Tacks or Small Nails
Step 1

First of all, take the measurements for the opening where you plan to hang the beads curtain. Now, cut out a piece of 1x2 board as per the width of the opening. Next, paste this board on the top of the opening you would also need to nail this strip as it would be secured well on the opening then.
Step 2
Now decide the pattern of beads to be arranged. Lay them in the same order as you want the final beads curtain to be and see if it fits your aesthetic taste. The colors and the pattern should be complementing to each other. As for the beads, one can use an assortment of beads ranging from acrylic beads, stone beads to pewter or glass beads.
Step 3
Wire lengths are required to be measured so as to fit the opening. One of the options can be to have the side strands longer than the center strands or even graduate it lengthwise from one side to another to form an arch. Here one would also need to decide the density or the placement of the bead strands.
Step 4
Next, string all the beads within the wire strands and lay them together in the pattern decided. If everything is well in place, start attaching them onto the 1x2 board strip on the top of the opening.
Step 5
Make sure you attach the strands using tacks or small nails. All you need to do is hammer in the nail and let certain portion of the head leave out. Now wrap the wire strands around the nail head and then hammer it in tightly to secure it onto the board. Your handmade beaded curtain is ready.
To know more about beaded curtains and curtain beads, click here.
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